
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Group Clients

Loan performer provides the users with the opportunity to adopt and use the group lending methodology where low income clients without adequate collateral required for individual lending can borrow as a group or members in a group.

To add a new group client to the database, you have to enter the required information obtained either directly from the client, in this case probably a group leader, or transferred from a Group Client Data-Entry Form.

How to add Group ClientsTo configure loans you go to Clients\Group Clients and a screen like the one below shows up:

Please note that the yellow fields in Loan Performer - are compulsory fields. You can not Save without this information.

Please note unless you have a corporate license or a license for a centralized administration of data (data from all branches maintained in one database), your choice would be limited to only one branch code contained in the organisation license e.g. KA.

You can modify the serial number at the entry of a new client. In this case, Loan Performer will check if the specified number has not been previously used for the same type of client. If not, it will allow you to proceed.

Please, remember, an account number of a closed account can never be assigned to a new client. New clients must always get new registration and account numbers. 

Please note that after saving a client, you can no longer modify the branch code, registration and savings account number of this client. Please enter the data carefully and always make sure it is correct!

Please note: It is not possible to delete a group, which had paid registration fees! You can only end the group's registration on the Other Details page. The group will no longer be considered as your current (active) client in the reports and you will not be able to enter a loan application for it after the end of the registration.

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